Our Founder
Our Philosophy
Our Goals
Mission Effectiveness Process
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Sorry, no java browser The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is an international community of women dedicated to serving humanity especially through education. Central to this service is the Holy Child Network of Schools.
The Network is made up of ten elementary, middle and secondary schools across the country and two associate schools. Our Holy Child community includes 3344 students and their families, 665 faculty, staff and administrators, and 236 trustees.

The schools within the Holy Child Network offer an education that has a distinctive spirit drawn from our 150-year old tradition. Each Holy Child school incorporates this spirit while also articulating the characteristics of its own school and its response to its own particular community.

Through an orientation program, annual meetings of teachers, administrators and trustees, new teachers/staff seminar, new Heads of Schools seminar and an evaluation process based on the Goals for Holy Child Schools called Mission Effectivenness the member schools mutually support and assist each other in both passing on the tradition and developing Holy Child education for today and tomorrow.

For more information contact:

    Holy Child Network of Schools
    1341 Montgomery Avenue
    Rosemont, PA 19010
    Telephone: 610-626-1400
    Fax: 610-525-2910