Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus
Pasadena, CA

Found on Campus: Magic in the Moment

The performing arts have been a part of our fabric, our very being as a school and community since we first opened our doors in 1931. We do the arts well. Every so often, however, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and what is simple becomes magic.

Christmas at Mayfield really begins with the Kindergarten Nativity Play. A tradition so many MJS alums share, the play is nostalgic, heartwarming, and beloved. For most kindergarteners, this play is their first time on stage with memorized lines and blocking. A great deal of time, experience, and patience on the part of the kindergarten teachers and our K-2 drama teacher, Kay Bowen make it appear seamless and easy. This year everything seemed the same — until it wasn’t.

The dress rehearsal the day before the performance for parents and family is attended by students. Sitting on the floor by size and grade level, it is always a packed house. As you can imagine, there is much scuffling, muted chatter, and youthful energy as the kids await the start of the play. Once the curtain opens, however, most know it is time to watch silently as the tiny actors move on and off the stage in various scenes. Standing in the back with the camera in hand, I could hear and see that, despite their best efforts, the squirming had not completely stopped. And then one small actor, in the role of Mary, walked slowly on stage and froze. What seemed like an eternity passed as the actor playing Joseph awaited Mary’s lines, looking her way expectantly. They were not forthcoming. Mary continued to stare at her teachers, who sat below the stage, her eyes starting to fill with tears. By this time, the audience squirming had stopped, and all eyes were fixed on Mary. Mrs. Bowen moved quickly and calmly to help ease the moment. She sat on stage, offering her hand and words of support and encouragement. In Mary’s silence and visible distress, it felt as if every soul in the room held their breath, every heart willing her the strength and bravery to speak. Love and humanity were almost tangible as little Mary finally recited her lines, and the scene ended with impassioned applause.

Everyday moments of magic happen often on this campus. Hugs and enthusiastic greetings between older students and their younger friends, the quick assistance to correct a microphone height level for a fellow student at Morning Prayer, the incredible cheers when a classmate wins the Holy Child Award at the Closing Mass, the intuitive response to lend a hand and offer support. Actions not words. This golden moment spoke simply to who we are as a school community, where we show up for each other, challenging ourselves with the understanding we are only asked to try our best.