November 2023
We pray for peace and justice in the Mid-East and in the Ukraine
1Feast of All Saints
2Feast of All Souls
3Feast of St. Martin de Porres (1579-1639): Patron of African Americans, race relations, and justice
6International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in war and armed Conflicts
7Birthday of Ignacio Martin-Baró, S.J. (1942-1989): Scholar, social psychologist, and philosopher who was killed by a U.S. backed Salvadoran death squad
8Birthday of Dorothy Day (1897–1980): American journalist, social activist, became a Catholic.
Birthday of Thomas Berry, C.P. (1914-2009): Catholic priest; cultural historian and scholar of world religions, esp. Asian traditions; studied earth history and evolution and called himself a ‘geologian’.
10World Science Day for Peace and Development
11Veterans Day
Birthday of Emma Gonzáles (1999): American activist and advocate for gun control. As a high school student she survived the February 2018 Marjorie Stoneham Duglas High School shooting in Portland, FL and in response co-founded the gun-control advocacy group Never Again.
12Diwall (Hindu Festival of Lights)
13Feast of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850-1917): an Italian-American Catholic religious sister. She founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a religious institute that was a major support to her fellow Italian immigrants to the United States,
14Anniversary of the death of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin (1928-1996): Put forth the theory of a ‘seamless garment’ in relation to the many moral and social issues facing the Catholic church.
Birthday of Pedro Arrupe. S.J. (1907-1991): was a Spanish Basque priest who served as the 28th Superior General of the Society of Jesus from 1965 to 1983.[3] He has been called a second founder of the Society, as he led the Jesuits in the implementation of the Second Vatican Council, especially with regard to faith that does justice and preferential option for the poor.
1634th Anniversary of the murder of the six Jesuit martyrs and their companions in El Salvador (1989)
International Day of Tolerance
18World Day of the Poor
19World Toilet Day
20Universal Children’s Day
Transgender Remembrance Day
21World Television Day:
“Bloody Sunday”/War of Independence in Ireland (1920)
22Feast of St. Cecilia: Patroness of musicians
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
Anniversary of the killing of Tamir Rice by Cleveland police (2014)
23International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
Nuremberg Trials (1945)
24Founding of the Conference of Major Superiors of Women (now LCWR) in 1956
Birthday of Yara Saliam (1985): Advisor/ Chief Economist office/ World Bank,
Palestinian Authority.
National Buy-Nothing Day (traditional start of Christmas shopping season)
25Thanksgiving Day
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Anniversary of the Declaration of the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or belief
26Feast of Christ the King
29International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People